Contact Us ...
Hours of Operation: The Albany Equestrian Centre is open 7-days a week, between the normal ours of 6.00am to 7.00pm
Email Us:
General Enquiries:
Booking Enquiries:
Response Time: We will get back to you as soon as possible (normally within 24-hours).
Location: 189 Roberts Road, Robinson Wa 6330
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1473, Albany WA 6331
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Do I Ring If ...
The pump is not working
The sprinklers in the indoor are not working
There is no hot water in the showers
There is no gas
The manure pit is full
I want to ride on the grounds while an event is in progress
Contacts for Bookings. Bookings for all facilities are to be made online.
The A.E.C. will confirm the booking by email to the email address given on the form. Should an automatic reply not be received, it is necessary to contact the bookings person on 0419-934-994, as otherwise the booking will not be made.
All Other Enquiries ...
Primary Contact: Colin Dowsett (0418-900-626)
Secondary Contact: Jill Compton (0417-660-578)
Emergency Services
St John Ambulance 9841 4212
Police 9892 9300
Albany Fire Station 9841 2122
Albany Hospital (Warden Avenue) 9892 2222
(Great Southern Equine Veterinary) 0402 330 437
Farrier (Tony Riley) 0418 449 440
Great Southern Stock Feeds 9841 5230
(After Hours Delivery) 0439 811 212
Albany Horseworld 9842 9255
Albany Saddlery 9841 7883
Albany Stock Feeds 9841 5724