General Conditions of Use
Members are entitled to ride on the Albany Equestrian Centre grounds at any time provided they do not interfere or impose on a pre-arranged event. (Permission should be sought from the event organisers in this instance). Members incur no cost for general riding, but booking and payment is required for use of indoor and sand and other enclosed arenas.
If a non-member individual wishes to general ride on the AEC grounds, or use the indoor or sand arenas, they need to book and pay a usage cost (includes day member fee)
As a condition of using the Albany Equestrian Centre grounds and facilities, you are required to:
- Follow all directions displayed on signage at the AEC
Agree that you will:
- Abide by the Albany Equestrian Centre ‘Code of Conduct’
- Be aware that casual riding is available ONLY to AEC members. Day memberships are available. Contact:
Horses & Safety
- Not ride a horse without a safety helmet that conforms to Australian safety design standards and without appropriate clothing and footwear
- Park floats and/or trucks in the designated areas only
- Not leave horses on the grounds unattended
- Not light any fire
- Not bring a dog to the AEC without a lead. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times
- Ensure persons under the age of 18 are supervised by an adult at all times
- Acknowledge that the AEC accepts no liability for the loss of, or damage to, vehicles, or any other goods or articles. Personal Insurance is the responsibility of the booking person or organisation. AEC does not offer any personal insurance to riders.
- Report all incidents, accidents and damages to AEC management
- If camping, comply with the ‘Camping/Overnight Agistment’ requirements.
- Stable horses if the horses are staying overnight
- Keep gates to entrances, yards and arenas closed at all times
- Remove all hay, manure and litter from the arenas, yards and parking areas, and place in designated areas
- Not feed, tie up or stable horses in the indoor or outdoor arenas, round yard or roll pen
- When the grounds are being used for an event, and you are not participating in the event, you are not to use the grounds or facilities without the authority of the organiser
- If used for a club school or competition – the indoor and outdoor arenas must be dragged at the end of the hire session. (Drag chains are located at the rear of the indoor arena)
- Ensure all equipment used is to be put away in the appropriate place - including rails and arena markers
IMPORTANT: Personal Insurance is the responsibility of the booking person or organisation. AEC does not offer any personal insurance to riders.

Closing of Cross Country Course
Preceding an event that includes cross country jumping or for general maintenance, the cross country area will be closed to all riders and competitors. Please observe the signs placed on the gates advertising if the cross country course is closed